Thursday, July 24, 2008

Christmas Eve, 2007

I'm 5 pm and up to my elbows in enchilada sauce when my cell phone rings. It's my doctor. "I've think we've found out why you're so anemic!" he says excitedly. "You have Celiac Sprue."

OK. What the heck is that? An intolerance (not really an allergy) to gluten. I can no longer eat wheat, rye, oats, or barley, or their derivatives. The little villi in my small intestine are damaged from eating gluten, and I'm not absorbing nutrients properly. Hence, the severe anemia.

He asks if I have any ancestors from England. As a matter of fact, I do. He explains that Celiac Sprue is much more common in people with northern European ancestry.

What do I do now, I ask. Stop eating gluten immediately, he replies.

Hmmm. I'm cooking Christmas dinner for 14 people. On the menu is broccoli pie, hot rolls, gravy, stuffing, and cake. Ooops!

Merry Christmas!

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