Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cosmetics 2: Colgate-Palmolive, Revlon


"We do not intentionally add gluten to the following Colgate Palmolive products. However, we cannot guarantee that the ingredients used are not exposed to any glutens.

Afta Shave products, all variants
AJAX All Purpose Cleaner - Lemon and Ammonia
AJAX Cleanser
AJAX Dish Liquids - all variants
AJAX Laundry Detergents - Powders and Liquids
Cashmere Bouquet Bar Soap
Colgate Toothpaste, all variants
Colgate Shave Creams, all variants
Colgate Simply White Clear Whitening Gel, all variants
Crystal Clean Stick Deodorant, all variants
Crystal White Octagon Lemon Dish Liquid
Dynamo Laundry Detergent
Fab Laundry Detergents - Powder and Liquids
Fluorigard Rinse
Fresh Start Laundry Detergents
Gel-Kam Home Care Gel
Irish Spring Bar Soap, all variants
Lady Speed Stick Deodorants and Antiperspirants, all variants
Mennen Speed Stick Deodorants and Antiperspirants, all variants
MURPHY OIL SOAP - all variants
Orabase Paste and Orabase Gel
Orabase Soothe-N-Seal
PALMOLIVE Bar Soaps, all variants
PALMOLIVE Dish Liquids - all variants
PALMOLIVE Gel Dishwasher Detergent
PALMOLIVE Triple Action Tabs
Peroxyl Gel and Peroxyl Rinse
Phos-Flur Rinse
Platinum Toothpaste
Prevident Gel
Softsoap Liquid Soap, all variants
Softsoap Body Washes, all variants
Ultra brite Toothpaste, all variants
Viadent Rinse
Viadent Toothpaste

Sorbitol is an ingredient which can be grain derived and may be found in toothpastes. Our sorbitol is corn-derived.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us. We hope this information is helpful.

Emily Lowenstein
Consumer Affairs Senior Representative
Consumer Affairs"


"Thank you for your recent comments from the Revlon website and your interest in our products.

Unfortunately, because of the way cosmetic ingredients are made and transported, we cannot guarantee that a product is gluten-free."

Damn. I just had to dump 7 lipsticks.

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