Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cosmetics: Gold Bond, Hawaiian Tropic

My gliadin levels are still not coming down after six months on a gluten-free diet. So I’m grasping at straws and questioning everything I put on or in my body.

A lot of the CS blogs contain misinformation or don’t quote sources for their information. In other words, a lot of the information is anecdotal and therefore suspect. So I’m on a personal quest to contact the companies that supply the products that I use to verify whether or not they are gluten-free. Some preliminary responses:

Gold Bond:

Thank you for contacting Chattem, Inc. All Gold Bond products, including Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Skin Therapy Lotion, currently available are gluten free. I hope this has helped to answer your question.

Harmony Howell-Martin
Chattem, Inc.
1715 West 38th Street
Chattanooga TN 37409

Hawaiian Tropic:


Thank you for taking the time to e-mail us with your comments about our Hawaiian Tropic Sun Care products.

We appreciate concern regarding gluten on our Hawaiian Tropic products.

Hawaiian Tropic does not add wheat or wheat germ oil to our formulas. However we are not certain that is not included in the raw materials we purchase. If you have allergy concerns, we suggest you consider purchasing products from our Banana Boat line for the time being. In the future we hope to provide specific product recommendations for Hawaiian Tropic.

We appreciate and value your loyalty, and have taken the liberty of forwarding your remarks to our Marketing Department for review.

If you have any additional comments or questions, please feel free to email us at http://hawaiiantropic.com/Contact-Us.aspx <http://hawaiiantropic.com/Contact-Us.aspx> or call us at (888) 310-4290 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Hawaiian Tropic

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